For Al-Aksa: A sixty years celebration
For al Aksa I'll die with pleasure
To save my people to save my treasure
To find a way in the path of dark
Islamic countries are all apart
What should I do but to keep going?
And face the people who never stopped killing
Stone by stone we can build it hard
We can act together like one genius smart
And seek to the borders of fear inside
The zone of conscious we were trying to hide
And there we could make all things right
And fire the works of glory and a future bright
Together we can make one big entrance
And step into the world smiling in pride
Our Aksa hasn't made an acceptance
For your justified killing and crime
And I've made an objection
On the current events of acting like blind
For 60 years we kept smiling
Is that a genius plan or a coward crowd??!
Shame on me and shame on you
Shame on every body acting like me and you
We were never a kind of people making up history
Ayam Al-Rasool proves our history
But do we deserve such glory?!!
To have the bloods of such people in our heart\s artery
The only way is to find a way
To the glamorous light deep inside
To the courageous soldier hiding behind
To the great Messenger who brought us pride
Has it become so difficult to make him our guide!!
Haven't you seen what has just happened on his land?
Didn't you know that everything was in the paw of your hand?
Have we really turned into one big damned gang?
Or have we just proved to every inch on this land
We are perfect machines...Turning gold into sand
Turning every precious into ash
As we find our real pleasure in trash
As of we were countries of jerks and scamps
As if we were pieces of a puzzle scattered behind high dams
"Congratulations to the Arab Muslims. Six decades of true honor and glory"
Composed by:"Alaa-ELDin"
For al Aksa I'll die with pleasure
To save my people to save my treasure
To find a way in the path of dark
Islamic countries are all apart
What should I do but to keep going?
And face the people who never stopped killing
Stone by stone we can build it hard
We can act together like one genius smart
And seek to the borders of fear inside
The zone of conscious we were trying to hide
And there we could make all things right
And fire the works of glory and a future bright
Together we can make one big entrance
And step into the world smiling in pride
Our Aksa hasn't made an acceptance
For your justified killing and crime
And I've made an objection
On the current events of acting like blind
For 60 years we kept smiling
Is that a genius plan or a coward crowd??!
Shame on me and shame on you
Shame on every body acting like me and you
We were never a kind of people making up history
Ayam Al-Rasool proves our history
But do we deserve such glory?!!
To have the bloods of such people in our heart\s artery
The only way is to find a way
To the glamorous light deep inside
To the courageous soldier hiding behind
To the great Messenger who brought us pride
Has it become so difficult to make him our guide!!
Haven't you seen what has just happened on his land?
Didn't you know that everything was in the paw of your hand?
Have we really turned into one big damned gang?
Or have we just proved to every inch on this land
We are perfect machines...Turning gold into sand
Turning every precious into ash
As we find our real pleasure in trash
As of we were countries of jerks and scamps
As if we were pieces of a puzzle scattered behind high dams
"Congratulations to the Arab Muslims. Six decades of true honor and glory"
Composed by:"Alaa-ELDin"
this is a peom for one of my best friends i want to thank him for everything he had done to me till the beginning of our relationship till now, his nickname is "Alaa-ELDin"
"Israel's war in Gaza , 450 killed and 2200 injured ... What's next ?"
thank yu david for yur participation in the blog and i am very happy for this and i will be glade to visit it regularly, welcome any time, and my voice is wth yes we need FREE PALESTINE, by having our hands all together shouting and defending FREE PALESTINE!!!!
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